Gayquation is pleased to offer Personal Coaching. Along with setting up quality introductions, your coach/matchmaker will support you on your journey and help you attract successful relationships into your life and create meaningful connections. This will be especially useful for gay men who are willing to honestly confront their current dating/relationship challenges and potentials.
it to your matchmaking membership.
We'll talk about...
Problem-solving for current dating questions
Confronting negative thoughts getting in the way of dating and intimacy
Dealing with unequal attraction, self-image, pacing and HIV issues
Understanding and avoiding the proclivities that are prevalent in the gay community
Recently embraced your sexuality and/or new to the gay community
Be your support system for those in the process of coming out
Finding and qualifying potential LTR-seeking men outside of Gayquation
Marketing yourself in an effective way
Optimizing an online and offline approach
First-date ideas, questions, and etiquette
General dating tips & advice
Any other individual topics that concern you
You may schedule up to 2 sessions and additional ones on an as-needed basis. Coaching calls run on average 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Life is very fluid, so along with scheduled phone calls, emails are welcomed 7 days a week and are responded to within 24 hours. Each phone, Whatsapp or Skype session with your coach is completely private and confidential.
You’ll Learn How To:
- Be more confident and in control of your love life
- Inspire sexual chemistry in the right men
- Become more open and create emotionally rewarding connections
- Attract relationship-ready men
- Break patterns of negative thinking that are holding you back
- Moving online acquaintances to offline dates
- Weed out guys that aren’t right for you
- Become a more effective dater
- Flirt authentically
- Discover your true romantic value and make the most of it
We’re Ready To Work Together If:
- You’re able to commit to a process and give it your all
- You’re a smart & capable man but know you need a shift in your perspective
- You’re open to confronting difficult and even controversial topics
- You’re ready to make a serious investment in yourself
- You’re open to feedback and constructive crticism
- You’re ready to build your dating foundation and prepare for future love
- You’re patient with yourself and the process